Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog Reviews

Nate YoI like how you ski because i also ski. We gotta go up together sometime and tear it up. Good back round colors, it blends good together.

A.W-I really liked your back round, it shows the text clearly. Your Remember blog shows me that your a good writer. Keep it up 

Jnelsman-Your Remember blog is really sweet and true. Your back round and picture blend in making it colorful and grabs my attention. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Remember...That Rainy day!

I'm outside standing here thinking to myself "why am i here?" There's a little breeze with rain drops falling down, racing down my face. Goose bumps all down my arms, making me feel like i can't breath. Cars driving by splashing water with horns beeping.  Thinking to myself "Why am I walking?" I'm mad but can't do anything about it. Calling people on my iphone but can't get a hold of anyone. The weight of the water makes me drag my feet, making my feet numb up. My arms are heavy swinging back and forth. Can't move my fingers but still striving forward to get to my destination.